Tom Booth
Losses eliminated, Profit restored, Banks placated, Dragons slain, Arguments settled, Wars won   TAKE 5 FOR A LAUGH - MEMES

Tom Booth today

Tom Booth playing at Jet Pilot

Fast Jet Pilot under tuition+ complex aircraft, night and instrument rated; qualified Scuba diver. Trained first aider inc sports injuries and defibrillator operation; Impaired Business wizzard and Company Doctor. Accomplished Turnaround specialist in retail, service, on-line and manufacturing sectors, now living the dream............

Tom Booth is a retired Business recovery expert with an unequalled track record in his field. In his social life, Tom Booth combines professional qualifications in life saving, scuba diving and aviation with being a budding Trumpet player and serial blood donor - but since my cancer surgery in 2020, they won't take my donations.

Tom Booth - "I spent three and a half years qualifying at different levels in aviation. General aviation licences in 3 different groups of aircraft and including ratings for complex aircraft, night and instrument flight and including international and European aircrew licences. Completed training on Strikemaster fast Jets; 3 months in Canada including Float flying on the Yukon and 3 months in South Africa bush flying and including legs east to west Jo burg to the Cape. We own a house in Algarve and regularly fly there on coastal sight-seeing trips

And recent images include 4 mates flying the Beast in at Church Fenton for their Fly in